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Our Voices, Our Community, Our Recovery!

Harm Reduction Services in Sauk Valley, Illinois

At Sauk Valley Voices of Recovery (SVVOR), our Harm Reduction Services support a healthier, safer community across Lee, Whiteside, DeKalb, and Ogle counties. We provide education and resources on overdose prevention, equipping individuals with practical skills to make informed choices and potentially save lives. Our harm reduction approach reduces risks, supports recovery, and promotes overall community well-being.


NARCAN Training for Employers, Families, and Community Organizations
Our NARCAN (naloxone) training sessions are available for employers, families, community groups, and faith-based organizations throughout the Sauk Valley area. This hands-on training covers recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose and administering NARCAN to reverse its effects. Participants are empowered to act swiftly in emergencies, potentially saving lives in their workplaces, homes, and communities.


How to Schedule a NARCAN Training
To schedule a NARCAN training for your organization or group, contact SVVOR today. Our team will work with you to customize a training session to meet your needs, ensuring your group feels prepared and informed. Together, we can make Sauk Valley a safer place for everyone.


Contact us here to schedule your training today!



​(779) 707-0151​

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Dixon Office:

114 E. Everett Street Dixon, Illinois 61021

Rochelle Office:

242 May Mart Drive Rochelle, Illinois 61068



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